
Which population microdata are openly accessible?

Population microdata are key input to estimate and map population. They are however often difficult to access when derived from household survey pre-listings: (1) because of the limited number of household survey (2) because of the confidentiality of cluster locations (3) because it is operationnal data that is not cleaned and stored appropriately for reuse. We explore in this blog post the availibility of two promising datasets for population modelling: IPUMS-International and the Demographic and Health Surveys programm.

Edith Darin true

Population microdata are key input to estimate and map population in the absence of a complete and recent census (Wardrop et al. 2018). D. R. Leasure et al. (2020) developed a hierarchical Bayesian modelling framework combining pre-survey household listing with geospatial covariates to predict population count with high spatial resolution.

In settings where household listings are not available, Boo et al. (2019) carried out a microcensus survey, that is a household survey in well-defined small clusters aiming at enumerating the resident population.

Household surveys are expensive exercises and operational data such as household pre-listings are often not accessible because not deemed worth cleaning, pseudonymising, or even storing.

To overcome those limitations in accessing population microdata, D. Leasure, Tatem, and Bondarenko (2020) developed a Bayesian model with the Integrated Public Use Microdata Series-International (Ruggles et al. 2003), that is a 10% sample of individual data from censuses, combined with building footprints (Ecopia.AI and Maxar Technologies 2019) and national projections (Raftery, Alkema, and Gerland 2014).

There is another source for population microdata that is available upon simple request: the Demographic and Health Surveys (Corsi et al. 2012).

In this blog post, we explore the availability of both data sets across time and country.

We copy/pasted available datasets from the download website page of both institutions as well as a table linking countries to their continent and we stored them here:

If you want to access the code just fold out this block:


continent <- read_csv('data/continent_country.csv')
ipums <- read_csv( 'data/ipums_samples_date.csv')
dhs <- read_csv('data/dhs_samples_date.csv')

# DHS metadata cleaning

dhs_cleaned <- dhs %>% 
  rowwise() %>% 
    Survey =  str_remove(Survey, " \\(.+\\)"),
    country = str_remove(Survey, " \\d+\\-*\\d*+"),
    year = str_split(Survey, " ")[[1]][length(str_split(Survey, " ")[[1]])],
    year = ifelse(grepl("-", year), paste0(str_sub(year,1,2), str_sub(year, -2,-1)), year),
    source = 'dhs'
  ) %>% 
  select(-Survey, -`GPS Datasets`)

# IPUMS metadata formatting
ipums_cleaned <- ipums %>% 
      pivot_longer(-country, values_to = 'year') %>% 
      select(-name) %>% 
      filter(! %>% 
      mutate(source = 'ipums')

# Build master dataset for visualising
master <- rbind( ipums_cleaned, dhs_cleaned) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  # assign continent to countries
  ) %>% 
  # prepare variable for plotting
    country_f = fct_reorder(country, continent),
    year_label= paste0(str_sub(year, 1,3), "0")) %>% 
  filter(! year_label>=1960) 

# Plot data

year_label <- unique(master$year_label)

ggplot(master , aes(x=year, y=country_f,  color=source))+
  # replace individual year by grouped year
  scale_x_discrete(breaks=year_label, labels=year_label)+
  # remove coutnry names
  scale_y_discrete(breaks=NULL, name='')+
  # use faceting to group country by continent
  facet_grid(rows = vars(continent), scales = "free_y", switch='y', space = "free_y") +
  theme(panel.spacing = unit(0, "lines"), 
        strip.background = element_blank(),
        strip.placement = "outside",
        strip.text.y.left = element_text(angle = 0))+
  labs(title= 'Dates of available DHS and IPUMS data for every country')+
  scale_colour_manual(values=c( "seagreen4", "orchid1"))

Low and middle income countries are concentrated in Africa, Asia and South America, where we see less data avaialble through IPUMS and more regular data from DHS.

Boo, Gianluca, Édith Darin, Douglas R. Leasure, and Andrew Tatem. 2019. “High-Resolution Population Mapping and Estimation in the Western Part of the Democratic Republic of Congo.” Unpublished.
Corsi, Daniel J, Melissa Neuman, Jocelyn E Finlay, and SV Subramanian. 2012. “Demographic and Health Surveys: A Profile.” International Journal of Epidemiology 41 (6): 1602–13.
Ecopia.AI, and Maxar Technologies. 2019. Digitize Africa Data.
Leasure, Douglas R, Warren C Jochem, Eric M Weber, Vincent Seaman, and Andrew J Tatem. 2020. “National Population Mapping from Sparse Survey Data: A Hierarchical Bayesian Modeling Framework to Account for Uncertainty.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Leasure, Douglas, Andrew Tatem, and Maksym Bondarenko. 2020. “A Bayesian Approach to Produce 100 m Gridded Population Estimates Using Census Microdata and Recent Building Footprints.”
Raftery, Adrian E., Leontine Alkema, and Patrick Gerland. 2014. “Bayesian Population Projections for the United Nations.” Statistical Science : A Review Journal of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics 29 (1): 58–68.
Ruggles, Steven, Miriam L. King, Deborah Levison, Robert McCaa, and Matthew Sobek. 2003. “IPUMS-International.” Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History 36 (2): 60–65.
Wardrop, NA, WC Jochem, TJ Bird, HR Chamberlain, D Clarke, D Kerr, L Bengtsson, S Juran, V Seaman, and AJ Tatem. 2018. “Spatially Disaggregated Population Estimates in the Absence of National Population and Housing Census Data.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (14): 35293537.



For attribution, please cite this work as

Darin (2021, Oct. 21). Meet Edith: Which population microdata are openly accessible?. Retrieved from

BibTeX citation

  author = {Darin, Edith},
  title = {Meet Edith: Which population microdata are openly accessible?},
  url = {},
  year = {2021}